The Asian Patent Attorneys Association (“APAA”) – Singapore Group is organizing a lecture by Mr Richard Davis, King’s Counsel, at Hogarth Chambers, London. He will be speaking on the developments and case law update in the United Kingdom and the European Union for patents, including the doctrine of equivalents.
Date: Friday, 24 February 2023 Time: 4.00 pm to 5.15 pm (Singapore Time) Venue: via Zoom

CPD Point
Summary of programme
3.40 pm: Registration begins
4.00 pm: Developments / case law update in the UK / EU for patents Including the doctrine of equivalents
5.00 pm: Q&A
5.15 pm: End
Closing date for registration
The closing date for registration is 12 noon on Friday, 17 February 2023.
For enquiries, please email to Please note the terms and conditions set out below.
Profile of Speakers
Mr Richard Davis has over 20 years’ experience litigating before the English Patent Court as well as oppositions and appeals before the EPO and is equally familiar with both jurisdictions. It was recently announced that he will be appointed King’s Counsel (silk) in early 2023.
Richard’s practice encompasses a diverse range of technologies. He has particular expertise in the electronics / telecommunications sector having advised many of the major players in the field such as LG Electronics, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola and Symbian. Although by training an electrical engineer, he is active in the pharmaceutical sector and acted for the Secretary of State for Health in the ground breaking second medical indication litigation concerning pregabalin.
Before commencing practice at the Bar, Richard qualified as a European Patent Attorney and this dual qualification has resulted in him appearing frequently before the European Patent Office often in cases of concurrent UK litigation.
Richard is equally at home with the other intellectual property rights and has carved a niche in designs and ‘difficult’ copyright cases. He is one of the few counsel to have appeared before the CJEU on a designs matter and one of the very few to have appeared before the UK Registered Designs Appeal Tribunal (as it then was).
He has been involved in a number of cases which have pushed the boundaries of what it protectable under the law of copyright and database rights.
Notable decisions on cases in which Richard has acted include Warner-Lambert v Actavis, Vanclare v British Gas, Baillie v Bromhead Johnson (patent attorney negligence), Temple Island v New English Teas (the red bus case), and numerous patentability cases including Halliburton’s Patent, AT&T and Symbian. Recent successes at trial include A-Ward v Fabcon, Estar v RegenLab and Clearswift v Glasswall. Richard lectures and tutors regularly on IPRs to patent and trade mark attorneys and solicitors. He has tutored at Nottingham Law School on its LLM in Advanced IP litigation and been a visiting lecturer of CEIPI on the European patent litigation diploma. Richard is now one of the two General Editors of the CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts (the Black Book).
In 2019 Richard was appointed as a criminal Recorder giving him a very different and judicial insight into the conduct of proceedings. He has presided over trials involving including inflicting grievous bodily harm, child cruelty, aggravated arson and burglary.
Richard has spent much of his recent spare time building his own aeroplane which took to the skies in 2020.
CPD points information
Public CPD Points: 1 Practice Area: Intellectual Property Training Category: General
Terms and conditions
- Attendance is free for Individual Members and Organization Members (for up to 3 participants) of APAA Singapore Group.
Please note: A participant must be an Advocate & Solicitor in Singapore, a foreign lawyer registered under section 36B of the Legal Profession Act, a registered patent agent in Singapore, an IP professional practising IP in Singapore, or a trainee of any of the aforesaid. - The registration fee for APAA Members from other recognized country groups is S$86.40 (inclusive of GST) per participant.
- The registration fee for non-Members is S$86.40 (inclusive of GST) per participant.
- The closing date for registration is 12 noon on Friday, 17 February 2023.
- As capacity is limited, registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.
- All fees are due upon registration and registration fees once paid are non-refundable.
- Payment is to be made by telegraphic or bank transfer, and the banking details are as follows:
Name of Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Name of Account: Asian Patent Attorneys Association – Singapore Group
Account Number: 048 – 009242 – 0
NOTE: Please ensure that your payment to us does not include remitting back charges or agent bank charges, so that we receive the full registration sum. - All payment must be received by the Treasurer by 20 February 2023.
- The link for the Lecture will be sent to you by 21 February 2023. For paying participants, the link will only be sent if payment has been received.
By registering for the lecture via the registration link above, the participant agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions above which he/she is deemed to have read and understood.
Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance
Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes logging in at the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the webinar in the manner required by the organiser, and not being away from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Please refer to for more information.